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English German
electric stove Elektroherd
flashlight electric torch Taschenlampe
sink, lavatory (amer.) (bathroom) basin; washbasin (brit.); lavatory (amer.) Waschbecken (Bad)
plug Stecker
light bulb also: (electric) bulb Glühbirne
pot Topf
socket also: electrical outlet, power outlet Steckdose auch: electrical outlet, power outlet
tap Wasserhahn
dishwasher Spülmaschine
washing machine Waschmaschine
sink (kitchen) Spüle
microwave Mikrowelle
wardrobe Schrank
the can der Eimer
refrigerator Kühlschrank
shelf Regal
the hour (furniture) die Uhr

17 words, created by MickisFriend
Difficulty level: intermediate
Created on: 8. May 2013
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